
Adopting a Cloud Enterprise Data Platform

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November 18th, 2022

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Insights & Thought Leadership

Adopting a Cloud Enterprise Data Platform

Adopting of a Cloud Enterprise Data Platform can seem a daunting and expensive concept. Follow these quick tips and the process can be smooth and cost effective:

Adopting a Cloud Enterprise Data Platform INFOGRAPHIC


In-flight projects provide data opportunities

Almost every internal project needs data and provides an opportunity to start your data platform journey.

Committing to large scale programmes with the price tag to match can prove cost prohibitive. System upgrades or new integrations are ideal opportunities to begin the staged process of implementing a modern data platform.



Focus on an incremental approach

Break down the platform adoption into prioritised projects, aligned with the overall business strategy. Including business initiatives and new program deployments already green lit.  Providing demonstrable ROI from data analysis from completed projects and implementations provides business intelligence to direct future investment and implementation in the data platform.

Reducing the cost of implementation by use of a staged approach resulting in a business wide unified data strategy, once the adoption process is complete across all systems.



Understand what you need to succeed

What internal resources and skillsets do you already have in place and what is their available capacity?

In what areas could an external provider add value via both time and expertise and how would this allow existing internal resources to be best utilised?

With regards to ongoing support requirements, what are they currently and what do you expect them to be moving forwards?


Addressing these points alongside your chosen technology partner enables you to determine the best route to adoption of a cloud data platform.


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