
Why is Snowflake Select Partner Status Important? 

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February 7th, 2024

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Insights & Thought Leadership
Why is Snowflake select Partner status important? Title and link to an article on the topic with a photo of the author, Andy Tudor, Clekt CEO on the left

Andy Tudor, CEO, Clekt

Since founding Clekt in 2020, we have been committed to helping our customers drive commercial value from their data.  Our driver for founding Clekt was seeing the opportunity for almost every business to leverage their data more effectively, this started with business analytics and is being turbocharged through AI.  

This vision is only possible by centralising accurate data with brilliant technology and at the core of the proposition we support our customers with is the Snowflake data cloud.  Snowflake only founded themselves in 2012 have grown to $2.6 billion of annual revenue and over 7000 customers including 647 of the Forbes 2023 Global 2000 companies.  

Their staggering growth is quite simply because their product is revolutionary for the market, making it possible for businesses to make sense of vast quantities of their data in near real time, paving the way for accurate business analysis, AI and data science.  Snowflake is accessible for any business of any size, with a consumption based commercial model which we can directly link back to tangible business value – refreshing for me as a former Retail CIO! 

This week we have announced that Clekt have achieved Select Partner status with Snowflake, an important step in our growth as business.  We have achieved this through delivering value for our Customers on Snowflake and the Clekt team demonstrating their Snowflake expertise. 

Snowflake will only continue to add more capability to their Data Cloud and as a Select Partner we look forward to continuing to support businesses win in this data revolution!

Get in touch for an initial chat to discuss your data story so far and how we can support you in achieving your goals in 2024.

Lets work together

To unlock your companys most important asset and find out more about Clekt, please get in touch.