
Mastering Data Maturity: Data-Driven Business

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July 20th, 2023

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Insights & Thought Leadership

The 4th stage of Data Maturity is MASTERING DATA MATURITY.

Achieving Data Maturity

Data maturity is mastered when: ​

  • Data is fully embedded within your business model​
  • Data is used to support strategic planning​
  • Data is monetised and used to drive increased value for the enterprise

 How to Transition to Mastering Data Maturity

For transition to the Mastering layer to be achieved it is vital that the following aspects of data use throughout the businesses are addressed:​

  • Data Advocacy for all business users​
  • Automated Machine Learning/Al implemented for key business challenges/opportunities

An Expert Partner on Your Data Maturity Journey

We are a team of commercially minded technology & data experts all of whom have worked in well known businesses across different industry sectors. We apply our tech & data expertise to real world business problems and drive positive commercial outcomes. ​

Clekt’s approach is to work in trusted partnership with our customers. We support the development of data strategies, aligned to growth and profit objectives. We create staged delivery roadmaps to achieve positive commercial outcomes from data, with ROI achieved at each increment throughout the Data Maturity journey. 

​What Are the Earlier Steps in the Data Maturity Journey?

1st step is Beginning

2nd step is Emerging

3rd step is Developing

4th step is Mastering – you are on this page

Let’s Talk Data Maturity

Can you identify where you sit along the Data Maturity Journey? Let’s have a chat to discuss where you want to be and the commercial outcomes you want to achieve from your data.

Enter your details below and we will be in touch to arrange a suitable time.

Our mission is to mobilise the world’s data into positive outcomes for All. Your goals are our goals, and we use our expertise to guide you into a successful data driven future.

Get in touch to set up an initial chat, let’s see how we can support your data initiatives and strengthen your position to use data now and in the future!